If you have questions about Sam, Omegaven, Microvillous Inclusion Disease, please feel free to contact us by emailing: info@samoconnor.com.
You can send mail to:
Sam O'Connor
PO Box 7407
Appleton, WI 54912-7407
If you have found our site because a family member had been diagnosed with Microvillus Inclusion Disease you can also gain valuable information by joining the MID online support group at the address below:
or our facebook group:
This group is made up of parents who are raising children with this rare disease and can offer information and support to you. This is a closed group, we typically only allow those living with MID and their caregivers as memebers.
If you or a family member are living on TPN, the support group below is a large group of people living on TPN and their caregivers: