2 is a big deal in our house. 2 is the age we were told Sam would not live to be when he was diagnosed with Microvillus Inclusion Disease. Thanks to our friends, families, a select few doctors, and a couple hundred bottles of Omegaven we have reached age 2 with a healthy toddler. Looking at him during the 12 hour period everyday when he is not connected to machines you would never guess the experience that we have been through the last 2 years.
Sam continues to thrive and loves trying new tastes. Eating for Sam is not really eating, swallowing is not happening for him, but he does enjoy tasting food and sitting with us at the table. His favorite taste so far is lemon juice.
No other new news to report on Sam. We are busy trying to finish up a few last small remodeling chores and getting the house ready for Sam's big day.
If you have a moment, please keep the Cates family in your thoughts and prayers. Carter has been giving the doctors in Texas a run for their money lately. Cater's website can be viewed at www.cartermcates.com.
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