Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sam Becomes Big News

Sam was featured on the front page of the local newspaper in Fond du Lac, WI this morning. Here is a link to the article:

I think the article is available online for only a few days, but I will get a copy posted onto Sam's site as soon as I get a chance.

Not much else new over the last week. We have developed a plan to get rid of our current double diapering and are testing right now. Hopefully in another week we can cut our diaper usage in half.

Sam is becoming more mobile and scoots himself around to reach toys that he wants. He has also taken a great interest in the line between his port and his TPN bag so we are trying to be very careful to keep it out of his reach.

Deb returned to work this week on a very part time basis. She is hoping to work back up to about 30 hours a week eventually. We are still working through how to make this work but we will manage somehow.

We are also preparing for a visit from Oma and Opa who are traveling to Wisconsin this week to attend Sam's Benefit. Preparations for the benefit are in full swing. Putting this together has been a lot of work for everyone involved and we are looking forward to spending the day celebrating all that Sam has accomplished.

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