Sam has had a busy day today. He was slightly dehydrated again today so they gave him extra fluid when he arrived in Milwaukee. Tonight they just inserted a feeding tube into Sam's nose. He will be getting feedings of Pedialyte continually for now through a slow drip.
We met with two of Sam's doctors today and they discussed what their plan is for Sam over the next few days. They will be doing an endoscopy to check out his innards and make sure they are all intact and look right. We have also discussed a possible biopsy of his intestine so that they can look closely at the cellular make up of his intestines. They are able to save time as most of the inborn metabolic disorders have already been ruled out by all of the testing that was done in Neenah.
It is very different here at the hospital in Milwaukee and will take some getting used to before we are comfortable. We got very used to knowing everyone and everyone knowing us in Neenah and it is just so big here that we know it will not be the same, but everyone is friendly and they are doing a good job of trying to make us feel at home here.
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