Saturday, July 11, 2009


We received word this morning that the blood cultures from yesterday are positive for infection and we are awaiting word on the identification of what exactly is growing in his blood. Sam's fever still has not broken, which is unusual for him. He is in a pretty good mood this morning.

We were informed this morning that Sam will not be discharged until Tuesday or Wednesday at the earliest. We will need to wait for 2 cultures to come back negative after 48 hours and we all know that today's culture is still going to be positive as Sam's fever is still raging. Here's hoping that this fever breaks and the antibiotics start doing there thing so he can get out of the hospital on Tuesday.

Unfortunately we were scheduled to fly out of Boston on Monday. We will have to make some decisions tomorrow and determine exactly who will fly home when and try to work with the airline to get this worked out.

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